Sunday, April 24, 2005

Another Angle to Love

This thing called love has been a mysterious form of feelings that none was able to define it clearly. And I dont think it would be defined either. Even if some generous man/woman, by falling in many loves :P with many partners, or observing, and churning their heart with brain and vice versa, discovers a meaning, our so generation (x, x++, x+++) kids dithers it and can make it still perplex and compicated. Ode to the changing chemistry in relations as time passes.
Here goes another angle from my side, don't know if somebody else has already shot from this side. Generally, you will find yourself more joyous and happier when you realize yourself that you have no secrets that you cannot put in people. But, by nature, every humna being has secrets very much personnal to them. Those secrets might be harmless to anybody, might be of one's weaknesses in nature. But, none want to live with them. They keep on pointing on him/her that "you are not perfect". And the dire fact can be that, he/she can never be perfect. Guys, there is no space to them on this earth who are imperfect. To speak honestly, everybody cheats others, live in guise. Because, truely, none is perfect. But, this heart made by God, is very much benevolent. So, it tries to confess, that its not perfect. But, it cannot go on public and confess bigger and lound that he/she is imperfect. Because of the humiliation that may come in response, than a considerate pat of "its okay, carry on". But, the yearning to confess doesnt cease so easily. Here comes the search for at least one, one sweet thing, we generally call, apart from many sweet names we give, but to the one whom we think is the best source of secrecy that your secrets are safe. Where you are emotionally safe. You will never be ridiculed of your weakness, but earn lot of compassion to that fact. Isn't it where, you even doesn't bother to go and die. can't we call this love ?
The question is why you find an opposite sex for this thing, as a safe locker for your emotions. Well there are reasons, and are quite self explanatory. Their nature is more of senses. The bulging steams of your feelings of gratitude, selfishely being named as love (but its okay) should end gloriously through all your senses, in a place where they are best treated. Isn't it that, the sweet embrace of your love ?

Monday, April 18, 2005

The thing called dust!

Tis just started...

Shall be as any leaf, be no less dead
Than the first leaf that fell!

I always liked these lines from Millay.

Nothing has been changed, except time.
May be we are wrong here too. We know a way how to measure time, may be thats why we call it is changing. You measure back by the events. Might be events were them that changed.

I still see the history, but with a new look and feel. Nothing has been changed.

There was fear. There was God. There were texts. There were kings. There were priests. There were people. There were pursuits. There was flattery.

I see everything the same.
Might form and features differ.

Again here.
Dust is the same. Dust remains the same. Dust is always same.
You cannot make dust more dust. Through the ages it is dust. And will be.

Even the pattern of the thought like dust, never changed. I find no difference. We didnt yet give an absolute thought on this. I still cannot understand that the men are still the same through all the ages, reforms and wars. I some times feel that we change the way we choose to change. As long as you have this inclination towards choosing, you will never change. Choosing is a kind of comfort you arrive at when you have many choices before. Choices keep you unchanged, except the fact that you change towards a better choice, a choice that might possibly please your bodyly-mentally pleasures. Pleasure is a kind of laziness. At least pleasure is never a source or path for the happiness, but works as a catalyst for choosing still.

Long long ago, everybody bowed before God, or to his Men. And later to the kings. And later to the Man. We always have got an instinct that we like to be governed. Well fine, I agree this thing called governed exists. But, I see these days a severe need that we have to change this definition, or extinct this thing called 'Government'. Unless, there is every possibility lurking, that men will extinct before they really aught to. I believe that an AutoGoverned Super People should come to living. Todays politics are ancient in nature. This age doesnt really need them. Though I cant put them in words for now, the concept of nations should be erased. Nation Earth. We see everywhere, we are running short of everything from the Mother, Earth. Or we are consuming too fast and too much. Governments instigate wars in the pretext of protecting their people, but there will no people of one's own, when you see it from the perspective of the every shrinking natural resource.

Well actually I see politics everyday, most possibly accidentally on ever around media, though I am not very much interested in them. But, can't help to have an opinion on them. If I give a break to the opinions I already have on the politics/governance etc, the current politics in our country/state are just worst of their kind. They cannot see the ground realities, or they intentionally evade. Why don't these guys understand that the motto of the governance is not only governing the people, but constantly educating the people and enforcing the laws that sustain the order. Politics has become an industry here, we can see that truth in every implementation they undertake. They are after money, fame and retaining the power. They never have a clue how to address a problem to its roots. Sick politics of this kind are the prime reason for the depravity of the societies under their influence. Everything gets messed up here. Nation and its people are not in need of this kind of governance. We blindly spend our days, because we are gracefully allowed to live like that. But that is a kind of deceiving everybody's intellectual powress, and their ability to decide the way they need to be governed. But, here comes the folks-malign-minded. They betray the law, no, everything that comes their way. To curb this kind, the government should be enough benevolent in its nature. To say it clearly, it should not be in a position that it can be influenced by the can-influence people. It is kind of dead-lock. Here where it born the giant corruption. This thing can be handled in a way that, when this kind of corruption is revealed to the public, there should be a way that public can handle this in everybody's interest. But there is always a way that public can differ, or made to differ. But truth can never be devided. If the law enforcement wing of government cannot handle this unlawful divide of public to save the culprit, it is giving a chance to the birth of more dangerous behemoth, terrorism. Governments always failed. Because, they are nothing but a set of lesser mortals but privileged. Democracy failed. There is a need for a different kind of people in this age. These people doesnt need governments. Will have to think to form them.