Wednesday, March 22, 2006

To write or not to write ?

Hmmm, it is almost an hundredth time. Every time I come here, read my own blog to know again what the hell did I write here, and to see if anybody else have put some comments on it. I discovered none of either kind. Oh, it sucks being dumb, you see. And whenever I discovered this, I develop an uncontrolable urge to open this And I does, as I said many times. And finally winding up myself writing nothing. I pity myself, for being so stupid and dumb, and the mere inability to update a simple blog with a simple message a day. Long long ago so long ago, I used to write, damn it, what ever I felt. And now, I develop a kind of consciousness that, it is all worthless writing, talking or expressing something to somebody. And it feels everything is a vanity of vanities. Honestly, I should explore a fact that why should somebody get to write, anything. After reading lot of books, and watching and living through the hell lot of life, I want to qualify writing as a thing of habbit, at least for now, until I get very impressive ideas that people would find useful, or find it worth reading. But honestly, reading is good, pleasant and help improving knowledge, values and vocabulary :P to write :)). I dont see any reason not to write. God give me some ideas man, I want to write.